Butter Chicken (Murgh Makhani)

Hello everyone! I hope you are having a good day :) I know its been a couple of months since my last post here on my blog, So i decided to share you one of my favorite dish :) Butter Chicken! or Murgh Makhani. Very rich creamy, sweet, spicy, tangy and I think this dish is phenomenon! I was surprised that this dish was so simple and easy to make , If I can do it you can do it too! ;) I am very excited to share this recipe to you guys!! So lets begin!


These are the ingredients for the butter chicken sauce! 


I baked the chicken thighs first before making the sauce since this one takes a little longer than making the sauce. I baked them 425F  for about 20-30 mins.  If you want know the recipe the for the chicken click here


This is so delicious! Try this recipe and you will never want a restaurant bought butter chicken in your life! This is the best butter chicken in the universe! in my opinion. If you like the rich creamy, sweet, spicy, tangy flavor this is perfect for you! I did changed a little bit from the original recipe. Like, i put less kashmiri chili powder since the original one (recipe) was a bit too spicy for me, I put a little more heavy cream, and I also added some water because its a little thick for my liking, But i suggest to follow the original recipe first then after that you can change it according to your liking. For the recipe and ingredients Click here! You can also find the recipe and how to make this on Youtube I found it on Jamie Oliver's Channel FOOD TUBE Click here to watch the video.

Thank you for stopping by and please let me know if you try the recipe! comment below if you like this kind of blog. I will try to blog every single day except on the weekends.Every single day is a different kind of blog, like today is about food that i cooked.Tuesday is about fashion or OOTD, Wednesday is about makeup and all about beauty stuffs and skin care etc, Thursday is about random stuffs maybe throwback anything, Friday is about Dessert, baking  and many more! So please check my blog!

Have a wonderful day!

Love, Wabbita